Last week, Hannah the Owner of Boogie Beat Music and Movement, attended the Disruptive Franchise Awards organised and hosted by Jo Middleton from The Franchise Business School Franchise Business School | Making Franchising Easier & More Accessible

The Disruptive Franchise Awards are held for UK franchise businesses who transform existing markets or create new ones through disruptive strategies, products, services or their approaches in the industry. They pride themselves in rewarding brands who push the boundaries, develop new initiatives and are progressive to future proof their networks.


The location for the awards was The Village Hotel in Watford and the day started with everyone  learning some circus skills from Jess Hill who runs Showtime Circus! Everyone had fun practising plate spinning, rolling flower sticks, hula hooping and juggling!

The first speaker for the event was Maddy Alexander Grout who spoke about how we can support neurodivergent brains in our networks and maximise the superpowers that they have.

Then Jack Wells (the one-legged dancer) and Anne-Marie Martin from Diddi Dance spoke about how they found each other online over Covid and have since come together to create a podcast series about how franchisors can make their brands as inclusive as they can be. Both Jack and Ann-Marie love a TikTok so a couple were made! Check out our social media posts as you may spot them!

The last speakers were from the Limbless Association. The incredible Tracy and Clifton shared with the room their stories about their life changing amputations and their inspirational journey that their lives have taken. They spoke about how the Limbless Association is the largest charity in the UK for civilian amputees and how there is no funding for civilian amputees only military funding. The work that the charity does to support individuals and their families who find themselves in the situation where an amputation is needed is incredible and it was great to be part of the day that raised over £1200 for the charity.

Finally, the award ceremony took place! There were 9 different award categories and Boogie Beat Music and Movement were announced Finalists in the Online Presence Category.  To be in the final 3 of such a huge category was incredible and an honour to be highlighting our brand to a wider audience.

Disruptive Franchise Awards