You may be wondering why Parachute play is so popular in our Boogie Beat Music and Movement sessions

Well, the answer is simple! 

Not only is the colourful parachute exciting, there are also loads of benefits for your child’s development.  …Here are just a few

Encourages rhythm

Synchronising the parachute to our original rhymes, songs & music teaches your little one a sense of rhythm.

Rhythm is a key component of speech as we use a series of syllables in the English language. Children with good sense of rhythm, are able to understand & produce these syllables better in everyday speaking. 

Muscle development

Many everyday activities help with muscle development in the lower body. Using a parachute focuses mainly on muscles in the upper body such as your child’s torso, arms, hands & shoulders.

Non competitive play

It is important for a child to learn to play without competing with their friends. When there is no winning involved in a task, your child is able focus on having fun and working as a team. Eliminating any competitiveness, can build confidence and a sense of self achievement, without a fear of losing or doing something wrong.

Following direction

Being able to follow direction is important not only for young children but also into adult life too. It is essential we learn to follow direction in order to thrive both academically & socially. Not only does following direction keep your child safe day-to-day, it has a huge impact on learning a new skill such as reading, spelling, mathematics & sports.

Encouraging teamwork

Teamwork increases self confidence in young children. Working as part of a team helps promote problem solving, communication, turn taking, sharing and self expression. Teamwork also encourages friendships and social interactions whilst working towards a common goal, for example keeping an object from falling off the parachute.

Finally, and most importantly to your child. 

Playing with our beautiful parachute coupled with music, props & games is a lot of FUN!

Join one of our classes or book a workshop for your early years setting here.

child under parachute