Hannah, the owner of Boogie Beat Music and Movement chatted to Jodie, franchisee of Gloucester, Stroud and the Forest of Dean about her journey into her franchise.

How long have you been running your Boogie Beat Music and Movement franchise for?

1 year

What made you look to franchising as a career move?

Although I enjoyed my job as a dental nurse, the days were long and I craved a healthy, work life balance. My son was born at just 26 weeks and spent 95 days in NICU. Once home, like many new mums, I struggled with separation anxiety and PPD. When I eventually returned to work after an extended maternity leave, I began to dream of a job that would fit around my family life.

What made you choose Boogie Beat over other franchises?

I had seen a post for the Cheltenham franchise for sale and spent time watching videos and looking at photos that were posted on the FB page. The classes looked so much fun and the more I scrolled through the more I wanted to do the same thing.

How did you fund your franchise?

I took out a government business loan, the process was quick and easy. I also had lots of support from Boogie Beat HQ and the business advisors.

How do you find training and support from Boogie Beat HQ?

10/10! Hannah is always happy to help in any way she can. Training is regularly available, Hannah checks in often and is always on hand if something pops up.

What are the best bits of running your franchise?

Working for myself and setting my own hours. I currently earn more that I did dental nursing whilst working a fraction of the hours. I love the huge sense of self achievement and opportunities that I have to grow.

I love the relationships built between the parents, children and early years settings. It is so lovely to see the children excited and enjoying the sessions and being able to watch their confidence grow as the weeks pass.

What do you wish you had known at the start?

I feel I was well informed before committing to buying my franchise. I had done lots of research myself but head office had covered all aspects of owning your franchise.

What are you looking forward to next?

I am about to launch classes in the Forest of Dean and have expanded my team and then I would like to find a teacher to support me in Stroud. It really is so exciting the opportunities this can bring to you.

Finally, would you recommend a franchise to others?

Absolutely, I am always telling those around me to take the leap.

If you would like to learn more about how our franchise opportunities work, please click here, or about classes running in the Gloucester area, please click here

Jodie franchisee in Gloucester