Winning the FSB National awards – Edinburgh, Mid and East Lothian

What is the FSB?

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is the UK’s leading membership organisation for small businesses and the self employed. Since 1974 they have been offering support and advice with growing your start up, to managing a team to working for yourself – everything is in one place. They currently have a community of over 500,000 sole traders to small employers across all sectors.

FSB Awards

Each year the FSB holds awards to celebrate the big achievements of small business across the UK. Earlier in the year Mairi, our franchisee from Edinburgh, Mid and East Lothian entered the awards. Mairi purchased an existing Boogie Beat music and movement franchise and launched at the start of 2023. Since then her area has grown substantially, she has taken on 4 class teachers to support her and across her area as she runs 3 classes, visits 12 nurseries each week and runs lots of birthday parties at the weekends. Mairi has also started to build her intergenerational Boogie Beat sessions too!

FSB entry

To enter into the awards Mairi submitted a video about how she has built her business, the challenges she has faced, the growth that she has achieved and what the future holds for her Boogie Beat music and movement franchise.

FSB Scotland Awards

Mairi was announced the winner of the Scotland FSB Franchise Business award in February 2024; this was such an incredible achievement and you can hear about her winning her award on our YouTube channel by following the link below:

Mairi franchisee in Edinburgh winning award

What happens next?

Once you have become winner at the regional FSB awards you get entered into the National awards. This sees all 12 regions take part and a group of judges look through all the regional winners to determine their overall national winner.

On the 9th May all regional winners attended the evening event, this year held at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool. The winners were announced by Tess Daly and the evening saw dinner, singers, speakers, acrobatics, bubble machines and lots more!

We are so excited to announce that Mairi was crowned the

‘National Franchise Business Award winner’

We are all over the moon for her, she has built her incredible business in a short time and it continues to grow with Mairi’s determination and vision and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for Mairi and her franchise in Edinburgh, Mid and East Lothian.

You can hear more from Mairi on our You Tube channel and what the evening had in store for her on the link below:

watch her collecting her award from Tess Day here: