Entering into a franchise is a huge decision. It’s a very exciting time when you realise that this could be a step that would work for you and you would enjoy, but it’s often the first time that people have stepped into self-employment, which can seem daunting. Lots of thoughts run through your mind and even though you know it is a good decision the mind monkeys sat on your shoulder make you question it.

What does buying a franchise even mean?

When you buy a franchise business you are buying into a model that is tried and tested, you pay the franchise fee and that gives you all the systems developed by the franchisor and the right to use their name and model for a set number of years. They have a lower failure rate than a new business as they are successful brands, and they have a network behind them.

Why is a Franchise so great?

Running a franchise is a great way to run your own business and work for yourself, this means that you can work the hours that you would like and that you can choose where you work.

The great benefits of a franchise is that it gives you a tried and tested model, Boogie Beat music and movement has been established for over 20 years- that is a huge amount of experience, tweaking of the model, working out what works best, sourcing the equipment and finding the right way to share it all with our franchisees so that when they come on board they can get going with the model straight away.

Even though you will be running your own business you get initial and ongoing training, support, marketing materials, website, webpage and email to get your business running as well as all the lesson plans, music, equipment, illustrations that we use for our stories and any new additions when added into the network to make sure that you are delivering the Boogie Beat message to your area.

It really does give you the best of everything.

Where to start is a huge factor!

At Boogie beat music and movement we support you from the initial contact all the way through this process and make sure that it is right for you. There is no rush to be completed by a certain date but if you need to start earning an income quickly then your franchise could be up and running within 3 months.

We offer 2 online discovery sessions at the initial contact along with an eligibility call to make sure that what we are offering is what you are looking for and that you have the skills that are needed.

The discovery sessions are held online as we know how busy and costly things can be. The sessions give you an insight into what you could be running of Boogie Beat in your area, how much you could be earning, what our equipment and music sounds like and so much more. It really gives you the chance to see what we offer.

Chatting to other franchisees is a must!

If you have a Boogie Beat franchise running near to you then we love and encourage you to visit them, join in with a session and chat to that franchisee and ask them questions. It helps to give you a better understanding of how you could be working and how you could be achieving that better work, life balance.

All our franchisees love to tell you about their businesses and how they have built them. We have many who run full time and others who run part time, either alongside another job or to fit in around family life. Again, we encourage you to chat to them to find out more.

Hannah, The Owner

Hannah, owner of Boogie Beat Music and Movement

Getting closer…

Once you know that Boogie Beat is the right fit for you then a business plan is put together. We have this all laid out for you to make the process as simple for you as it can be. A business plan helps you to start looking in your area at what is already running, where you could be running sessions and working out financial goals. Again, we are there to support with this.

If funding is required for the purchase, then we have great links with NatWest bank and a government start up loan companies who can help you with this, you may be able to take out a personal loan or have family who could help.

Final stages

A draft copy of our contract is always sent out before signing and transferring of the money is due. We recommend you get a Franchise Solicitor to check and go through the contract with you and that you read it through a few times. Having lots of time with the contract enables you to ask any questions along the way and make sure that you are happy with everything before signing is due.

All throughout the process you are in direct contact with Hannah, the owner of Boogie Beat Music and Movement. Hannah can answer any questions and guide you through the journey.


On completion of the contract and of the funds being transferred, a personalised training plan is put together for you. This covers all lesson plan, business and marketing training and gets you ready for the launch of your new business! Marketing materials and your equipment is delivered to your home, and you start to prepare and put your business plan in to action as you get set to start your Boogie Beat journey.

You could be following in the footsteps of one of the 16 franchisees that we currently have on board, our longest franchisee has been running her area for 11 years and 6 of the team have been on board for over 5 years! It really does provide you with a long-term business opportunity with great prospects.

Some of the Boogie Beat Team

Boogie Beat Franchisees

Part of the team

Being part of the Boogie Beat team means you get access to our back of house system filled with videos, lesson plans, music, ideas and so much more to build your business and support you. We love and encourage you to share ideas and to be part of the bigger team.

You get weekly newsletters, fortnightly training, monthly franchisee meetings, annual conferences and regular calls with Hannah.

You are never alone whilst running your business and if you are a determined, enthusiastic and passionate person who wants to support and develop children’s early years then we would love to hear from you.

Could you be running your own successful music and movement business in your area in the next 3 months?

Find out more at https://boogiebeat.co.uk/franchise